Dogs are not just animals, they are an integral part of our family. Usually, we have a special bond with them, so we must ensure that they are safe and free of parasitic diseases. The majority of dogs will be affected by parasites at some stage in their lives. If not treated promptly, it will cause serious illness in our four-legged family members.

Dog treatment

Familiarize with the most common dog parasites and learn how to avoid and handle each of these harmful pests:

Intestinal Parasites in dogs

Intestinal parasites are generally seen in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. It causes serious side effects and pet owners should not put off or postpone care for their pets. Commonly seen intestinal parasites are roundworms, hookworms, Whipworms, Tapeworms, Giardia, Coccidia, etc. It causes mainly when a dog unwittingly consumes parasite eggs or spores from infected food, animal waste, water, or soil. 

It not only affects the parent dogs but also the puppies too. Both roundworms and hookworms will pass through the uterus and thus be passed on to unborn puppies as well as young puppies through their mother’s milk.

Major Symptoms:

  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • dehydration
  • swollen abdomen.

Treatment: The medication you use will be determined by the parasite that has infected your dog. 

  • A product containing pyrantel pamoate can be used to treat roundworms and hookworms.
  • Praziquantel is a tapeworm treatment for dogs (available over the counter or from your veterinarian).
  • Fenbendazole can be used to treat whipworm, roundworm, hookworm, and tapeworm.
  • A sulfonamide antibiotic, available from your veterinarian, can be used to treat coccidia.


  • Watch for signs of illness.
  • Give your pet preventive medications. 
  • Keep your pooch away from contaminating food waste.
  • Have your veterinarian do a regular fecal check.
  • Don’t let your pet drink standing water.

Internal parasites in dogs

Internal parasites in dogs that are commonly caused are; heartworms, roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, etc.

Heartworms one of the commonly seen internal parasites is transmitted through mosquito bites. In the bloodstream of a dog, adult heartworm releases larvae, which develop and ultimately damage the heart and lungs of the dog, possibly leading to congestive heart failure and death. 

Major Symptoms:

  • digestive problem.
  • Anemia.
  • Irritation and inflammation.
  • Weight loss.


Consult your veterinarian to determine the best parasite control plan for your dog. When any intestinal parasites are discovered, prompt worm treatment should be given; for dogs at risk of re-infection, regular deworming may be necessary.


Flea control helps to avoid tapeworm infection in some people. A heartworm preventive can help your dog from contracting heartworms.

External parasites in dogs

External parasites cause extreme irritation and discomfort to the canine friend. fleas, ticks, ear mites, lice, etc are the most common ones. 

Fleas will cause irritation and excessive scratching to your pet. Fleas may be picked up by dogs from other infected animals or flea-infested environments.

Ticks can cause anemia in dogs, which makes them more dangerous. Certain type of ticks also causes paralysis in some dogs and arthritis and swelling of the joints.

Ear mites are small parasitic insects that live in your dog’s ear canal. It causes dogs to hack at their ears, resulting in a red or inflamed ear. It’s common in puppies and they are spread by close contact with infected dogs.


  • Intensive itching.
  • Hair Loss.
  • Skin rash and crusting.
  • Arthritis


Preventive medication can be given orally, applied topically, or administered through collar-like products.


  • A Regular veterinary examination can help detect parasites early and even avoid parasite infection in dogs.
  • good grooming can prevent fleas and ticks.
  • groom your dog when you return home from dump areas.

Can Dog Parasites be Transmitted to Humans? 

According to PetMD, Children are in the greatest danger, particularly if they are playing in an area with a dog, cat, or raccoon feces, such as a sandbox. People are often infected with fleas, ticks, lice, and mites, which are easily transmitted between species. 

Roundworms have more chances for transmission to humans by mistakenly ingesting infective worm eggs passed through a pet’s stool or urine and left throughout the area. 

Hookworms cause cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) in people. It can be transmitted through direct skin penetration of infective larvae found in the waste of dogs.

How to get rid of parasites in Dogs

Dogs are susceptible to parasites and can become sick at any time during their lifetime. It is your duty as a dog owner to provide them with a clean and healthy living environment. most parasites wouldn’t attack your dog as a result of this. A yearly visit to the veterinarian for a comprehensive examination will also help to prevent most conditions from being severe.

Searching for good grooming services or a dog hostel in Bangalore? Visit Willes Pet Paradise, the largest dog cafe in Bangalore consists of a play area of 20000 sqft, the best pet boarding arrangement, a swimming pool for dogs, and a cafe!